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The Difference Between Amateur, College, and Pro Soccer

college soccer pro soccer Aug 25, 2018


What is the difference between amateur, college, and pro soccer?


There are certainly differences that are obvious. You would be able to tell the difference between an amateur player and an MLS player almost immediately for example if they played against or with each other. 

But as you start moving up levels, the differences may seem less and less apparent. For example, can you tell the difference between a college player and a lower level pro player?

What about a college player that is good enough to play at the next level vs a college player that probably won't play at the professional level?

The point is, there are some subtle differences that are just as important as the obvious ones. Once you know what those differences are, you can start to make sure you work on the bridging the gap between where you are now, and that next level. 

In the final part of the interview I conducted with a successful college coach, we go over these differences and what it takes to make it to the pro level. He has both played at the pro level and coached players who have gone on to play at the top level so he knows what he's talking about. 

If you are interested in getting to that next level, listen up! 

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