The 3% Rule
Nov 29, 2019
There is a popular misconception that most people have when it comes to how much commitment is needed to achieve your goals!
Most think that they can just watch some videos, or read some articles and BAM..
They're the next Messi!
Sorry, but it doesn't work that way.
Becoming the player you want to be takes a lot of commitment. You can't just phone it in or do the same as everyone else and expect the best results.
In fact, this is where a rule called the "3% rule" comes in!
That rule states that only 3% of people in a given area are even TRYING to be successful.
In reality... it's probably way less!
So, which are you? Are you in the 3% of ACTUALLY committed footballers? Of the more common 97+% of footballers?
Look, you may be in the 97%, and that's okay! Because at any moment you can make the decision to change. Here is how you get into the 3%.
1) Prioritize your growth
This is essential. So many people and footballers waste their time doing meaningless things when they could instead be doing things that get them closer to their goal.
The first sign of a 97%er. If you haven't prioritized your growth as a player, then you can forget ever making it far in this game.
2) Doing what others are not willing to do.
Another huge one. The 3% are willing to do the things that others are not willing to do. These means the extra training sessions, recovery, ice baths, sticking to a healthy diet, researching what will make them better, getting up early to train and so on.
Ask yourself, are you actually doing what others are not willing to do in order to grow?
3) They don't make excuses
This is one of the most crippling habits I see in players or people in general. They have the energy to come up with a MILLION excuses to why they can't do something.
"I don't have the time, the energy, the money, etc to do that"
That's an excuse. The 3% don't focus on that. They focus on solutions.
4) They invest their time, energy, and money into their growth as a player.
Guess what? If you're not willing to invest your time, energy and money into your growth as a player, then you are not serious about it.
The 3% dedicate their time to training, to recovery, and other activities that further them. They invest their energy into finding the cutting edge, the training that will help them the most, the areas they need to improve on!
And finally, the biggest stumbling block that will put you faster into the 97% than anything else if you don't do it, they are willing to invest their money into growing themselves as a player!
They will hire coaches, go to camps, travel, and buy programs that they know will cut the learning curve and improve them faster!
The question is, are you willing to do the above things in order to get into that 3%...
Because again, if you're not, you won't get to the level you want. Only the players willing to do this will get there.
So, I'm going to do something a little bit crazy...
In light of what I've told you, and because I know how much it can help you get into the 3%, I'm going to give you a chance to get my course Ultimate Soccer Skills for just $27 despite it usually being around $67.
For those of you who are committed, this is your chance to get in a program that will help you do everything above! It will prioritize your growth, get you doing what others are not willing to do, keeps you accountable so you don't make excuses and will have you investing your time, energy, and money into your game.
Get it with this one time discount here:
If you are actually serious about not being like every other player. If you are looking to become apart of that 3%, don't pass this up. Get yourself in a program that promises growth.
Again, Get it with this one time discount here:
For those of you serious enough to get it, I commend you and thank you for taking this step. It'll be a huge leap forward in your development.
To your success as a footballer
David "Commitment" McEwen
Improve Your Game. Stand Out On The Pitch!
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