What Percentage Of Footballers Become Pro Players?
Nov 08, 2019
It’s low… like really low..
The fact of the matter is that only 5.5% of high school players play in college at any level and out of those college players, only 1% will play pro.
Note how I didn’t say only 1% of ALL players will go on to play pro, but that 1% of all COLLEGE players will go on to play pro.
So that means when it comes to all players, it’s way less than one percent.
But does that mean you shouldn’t try? Certainly not!
Because there are some big reasons why some players never make it to the college or pro game that are preventable.
You see, the sad truth of life is that most people live it averagely. They don’t have the drive currently (and most never do) to see what they could do at the edge of their potential. They don’t try.
Some never try to begin with. Some have one person criticize them, so they stop. Others keep going for a little while but inevitably stop and others go longer but aren’t as invested as they need to be.
The above is 99.9% of players and the sad truth is this is preventable. With a simple change in mindset everything can begin to change.
But the fact of the matter is, most people don’t want to put in committed action over the long term. We live in a day and age where we are salivating for instant gratification that it robs many of the rewards of sustained, deep effort.
To the point where many think that a few weeks or a month of effort should yield amazing results! No, that’s just the beginning!
Ask yourself, am I committed to my goals? Do I really want them to the point that I’m going to show up everyday and work towards them even if there are bumps in the road? Because if you’re not, good luck…
So, that may seem bleak, but here’s the good news.
Because so few are actually trying, this leaves the door wide open for someone like you!
But you gotta really want it. You need to have a clear vision of where you’re going or else you are going to fall short.
The directionless never get anywhere. They fumble around in the dark not knowing where they are going at all.
Having a vision will provide you with the candlelight you need to navigate that dark path. There will be dead ends, forks In the road, and other choices and obstacles to make, but with that vision, you will forge a path.
The simplest way to break down success in anything including football is to, one, know where you are and..
Two, know where you’re going!
So if you’re just winging it and hoping it happens, let me save you the suspense…
It won’t.
However, if you are honest about where you are now and have a clear vision of where you are going, you will make massive strides.
And if you put in real focused effort, you’ll most likely make it. Like I said earlier, most people aren’t even truly trying even if they think they are.
So get started. If you want to play in college, play pro, or even just move up into a much better club team, set your vision. Actually, take some time to write it down and I want you to review this vision every morning or every night.
Internalize it. Never forget it. Because then when you find yourself in a difficult moment, when you think about not doing that workout, recovery session, analysis, you’ll be reminded of why you’re doing it.
This is so powerful. If you’re serious about getting to your goal, please don’t neglect to do this.
To your growth as a footballer,
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