5 Ronaldo Habits That Will Make You The Best
Dec 16, 2019
Ronaldo is going to go down in history as one of the best of all time and for good reason!
But he didn't get to where he is today by accident...
NO! He developed some pretty specific habits that I want to share with you here today. If you develop these habits, you'll be able to accomplish anything.
1) Ronaldo is very two footed.
You'll be surprised how even at the very top of the game how many players are one footed. Ronaldo is unique in that he can use both his right and left to deadly effect. Of course, by unique, I mean he practiced so much with his left that it become very good!
2) Self-Belief
Ronaldo has unwaivering confidence in his ability and you HAVE to have that level of certainty if you want to be great at anything. It doesn't matter. You won't grow and you won't become a great footballer if you don't have this. If you're in my Complete Soccer Confidence course, you'll already be learning to develop this!
3) Adaptability
Ronaldo is able to adapt to any situation on both the micro and the macro. He has succeeded in every country he has played in (the marcro), but has also been able to adapt in matches to win games, or adapt from one match to the next to win games. Great example is when Juve played Athletico Madrid in the champions league last season. (micro)
Cristiano took what he learned from the 1st leg and adapted for the 2nd in order to hurt Athletico as much as possible. He has done this multiple times throughout his career.
4) He Stays Healthy
This is one that is overlooked by so many. Ronaldo doesn't just put in extra work on his skills, strength, and speed, he also puts extra work into his recovery, eating, and so on.
He rarely gets injured! Do you think it's just because he has some super genes? NO WAY! It's because he takes care of his body better than even most pro players!
When Ronaldo got his physical for Juventus, he stunned the medical staff. They said despite him being in his 30's, he had the body of a 24 year old pro. Incredible.
5) He Goes Above and Beyond
If that last one didn't illustrate this already, Ronaldo goes above and beyond even pro athletes to make sure he is the best.
He leaves no stone unturned. He lives and breathes football. If there is a way he can get an edge, can improve upon himself, you better believe he'll find it.
Do you have the same mentality?
Even if you aren't doing all of this (not many are), are there a few things you can bring into your life that will help you?
You have to ask yourself...
Do you really want it? Area you willing to dedicate your life to your passion in order to succeed?
Ronaldo is, and that's why he is one of the best.
To your success as a footballer,
David "Ranting and Raving" McEwen
Improve Your Game. Stand Out On The Pitch!
P.S. Check out the new page for my training courses here: http://bit.ly/ sstrainingprograms
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