3 Reasons Why Your Skill Moves Don't Work
Apr 25, 2018
In my latest video, I go over 3 reasons why your skill moves are not working for you in your matches. In all honesty, there are many different components that may be contributing to you not successfully doing moves in games, but I wanted to cover 3 of the more common ones!
Repetition, Repetition, Repetition!
The first thing I always ask players when they tell me they are unable to pull off a certain technique in a match situation is how much they actually train using that technique?
It's not a cool answer, but when it comes down to it, if you haven't put in the hours on the training ground, you won't be able to pull of the technique in a match.
This applies especially for skill moves. Skill moves require a lot of practice, muscle memory, and trial and error before you will be able to pull it off effectively in a match. Make sure the reason you aren't doing them in games isn't because you haven't practiced enough!
So let's assume that you actually have been putting in the work and you can pull of the skill move with good speed and technique.
Here is another common problem I see players making. Being too casual after pulling off the move. Not bursting into the space they just created.
Sure, you don't always want to go gun ho! But if you have space to exploit in behind the defender, you need to burst into it right after you off balance them. Don't just casually move into it! That gives the defender a chance to recover!
Unnecessary Skill Moves
Another killer of both ball retention and confidence is using skill moves when they are either not necessary or don't make sense.
Just because you have been working on a skill, doesn't mean you should attempt it at every possible moment during the game.
Skills are to be used at appropriate times! They are not to be used just to show that you can do them.
However if you start doing them for that reason, you'll find yourself being stripped of the ball often which is going to discourage you from using skills in the future.
Speaking of confidence, have you signed up for my free confidence building course? Yes, you read that right. It's FREE! Make sure you sign up and don't miss out. It won't be free forever!
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